Dear National Federations, Further to the communication hereunder of 11 October, we would like to advise that all Officials with a valid email address will receive an official communication concerning the FEI Competency-based Evaluation System (CES) on 16 December 2019.
However, there are still an important number of FEI Officials who do not have a personal and valid email address.
Please keep in mind that Officials without a valid email address will not be able to take the CES assessment, and therefore will NOT BE ALLOWED to officiate from 31 March 2020 onwards.
For a valid FEI profile, the email address must:
- be personal (it cannot be collective/shared by other Officials),
- be spelled correctly in the database,
- be operational and duly verified by the NF,
- be accessible personally by the Official it belongs to.
Officials currently up-to-date with their refresher cycle (Group A) will be invited to take the online assessment on FEI Campus from 16 December 2019 to 15 December 2020. Officials in Group A can continue to officiate in their current status until 31 March 2020. However, should they wish to officiate after 31 March 2020, they will need to have successfully completed the CES online assessment prior to officiating.
Officials who have not done a refresher course since 31 December 2016 (Group B) will have to take part in an in-person maintenance course with assessment before 15 December 2020 and can continue to officiate in their current status until that date.
Should you need more detailed information about the CES assessment, please consult https://inside.fei.org/fei/your-role/officials/ces .
As you know, there has been an in-depth review of FEI Officials education, management and career progression in recent years following the creation of the FEI Working Group on Officials in 2016. A lot of progress has been made, and as a result of the comprehensive consultation with stakeholders, the FEI Working Group on Officials delivered a set of fifteen recommendations, which the FEI Board approved.
One of the recommendations (Recommendation 3) refers to the development of a Competency-based Evaluation System (CES) in order to replace the age limit rule, which was deemed discriminatory. In response to Recommendation 3, the FEI Education & Officials department have developed the FEI Competency-based Evaluation System (CES) framework which will effectively replace the current “Refresher Seminars” and also address the age limit rule as well as improving the quality and management of FEI Officials as a whole.
The FEI will soon be implementing the first phase of the FEI Competency-based Evaluation System (CES) and this communication is an initial email to provide all National Federations and Related Associations with some key facts/background on the FEI CES, how it works and what this will entail for National Federations. Note that we are also sending all FEI Officials a similar communication regarding the FEI CES and what it entails for them as Officials.
We have created a dedicated page on InsideFEI with all the information related to the FEI CES – HERE – including a comprehensive set of Frequently Asked Questions. You will find below a summary of all the key dates and facts as well as next steps, and we highly recommend all National Federations familiarise themselves with all the procedures on the dedicated page on InsideFEI.
Here are the key facts:
- All Officials will be subject to the FEI CES
- Three main advantages:
Provide an opportunity for inactive/retired Officials to re-enter the system.
Provide the same universal, fair and transparent evaluation process.
Provide a more time/cost effective process.
- FEI Competency-based Evaluation System (CES) to be introduced in progressive phases with the first phase (2020) based around the knowledge of FEI Rules and Regulations, either through an online assessment or through an in-person maintenance course with assessment. Additionally, each Official will have to personally certify that they are “Fit to officiate” according to the function requirements, and top officials will also be invited to undertake a separate English language proficiency assessment.
- FEI CES based on a 3-year cycle:
Year 1: online assessment on FEI Campus
Year 2: online assessment on FEI Campus
Year 3: in-person maintenance course with assessment
Next steps: On 16 December 2019, all Officials will receive a detailed email with specific instructions and procedures to follow regarding the FEI CES and assessment requirements for 2020. Note that Officials will be divided into two Groups:
– Group A: Officials currently up-to-date with their refresher cycle will be invited to take the online assessment from the 16 December 2019 onwards. Please note that to officiate after 31 March 2020, it will be necessary to have completed the CES online assessment successfully.
– Group B: Officials who have not done a refresher course since 31 December 2016 will have to take part in an in-person maintenance course with assessment before 15 December 2020. They will be able to officiate normally until that date.
* Note that we are reviewing all our lists and will contact National Federations for any Officials with incorrect/invalid email addresses.
Officials are the bedrock of FEI Events and ensuring all FEI Officials have the necessary training, expertise and tools is vital to ensure the smooth running of FEI events, and ultimately horse welfare. The FEI is grateful to all National Federations, related association and Officials for their commitment to the sport and the values of the equestrian family. Should you have any questions regarding FEI CES implementation, please don’t hesitate to visit the dedicated page on InsideFEI for all FEI CES related information and FAQs.
Yours sincerely,