

    En esta ocasión nos comunicamos con ustedes para invitar a los atletas a participar de nuestro taller Plan Futuro para Atletas 2017 a realizarse en ROSARIO los días 30 y 31 de Octubre del corriente, de 14:00 a 19:00 hs.

    El objetivo es hacerles llegar el Plan Futuro a los atletas que están por transitar el retiro, o estén recientemente retirados.

    Inscripción Plan Futuro ROSARIO 2017

    El perfil es de atletas que estén o hayan pasado por la Selección Nacional de su deporte. La edad promedio estimada es de mayores de 25 años (aproximadamente), pero va a depender de cada deporte. El programa está destinado tanto para los atletas de deportes convencionales como adaptados. En caso de los atletas de deportes adaptados, necesitamos que nos comuniquen las necesidades especiales que puedan llegar a ser importantes a tener en cuenta (por ej: interpretador de lenguaje de señas).

    Para más información click aquí

    En caso de contar con atletas con dicho perfil en sus federaciones, les pedimos que nos pongan en contacto o les pasen el link de inscripción al taller.

    Esperamos con ansias que los atletas se sumen y aprovechen esta iniciativa que cada día crece y se difunde en todo el mundo.

    Cualquier inquietud que tengan, no duden en consultarnos.

    ¡Los esperamos!


    We are delighted to confirm to you that, following the many qualification rounds for the FEI Children’s International Classics Final 2017, you have one athlete qualified for the Final:

    María Felicitas Mangas (10142663)

    has successfully qualified within the 16 athletes chosen to take part in this very special Event. The Final is due to take place in Beijing (China) from 28 December 2017 – 01 January 2018. We are also happy to confirm that the air tickets (economy class) for the athletes will be covered by the FEI however travel costs for accompanying persons must be met by the participants or their own NF. The Organising Committee have kindly agreed to cover the costs of one twin hotel room (for the athlete and one accompanying person) from 1 day prior to the start of the Event (arrival Wednesday 27 December 2017) until the day after the Final competition (departure Tuesday 02 January 2018) however additional costs for accommodation (be that extra days or additional rooms) must be met by the participants or their own NF.

    This Event takes place on borrowed horses which are provided by the OC.

    We would kindly ask you to confirm whether your athlete would like to participate in the Final by Friday 20 October. If your athlete would like to participate, we would kindly ask you to send us a copy of the identification page of her passport clearly stating her date of birth. We would also ask that the attached form be completed and submitted along with the passport copy. These documents must also be received by Friday 20 October.